7th & G Street Parking Garage Stairwell Replacement

June 13, 2024

The stairwells in EasyPark’s 7th & G Street parking garage at 650 G Street are being replaced.

Construction begins June 19, 2024, and is expected to be completed by October 2024.

The work consists of removing all stairs and risers and installing new replacements.

The following impacts are expected:

• The G Street stairwell will be closed from June 19, 2024, until August 2024.

• The H Street stairwell will be closed from August 2024 until October 2024.

• Limited access to the alleyway between 6th & 7th Avenue parking garages.

• Parking space closures will occur.

• Demolition will occur within the parking garage from 6 am - 7 pm. During this phase, it is expected that a noise impact will occur.

Please be alert for workers, signage, barricades, materials, and assorted equipment within and outside the parking garage. Please drive slowly in the garage while construction is occurring.

EasyPark will provide updates during construction on www.easyparkalaska.com and Facebook.

If you need parking assistance, contact our Customer Relations department at 907-297-4471.


About EasyPark

EasyPark is the brand name of the parking services operated by the Anchorage Community Development Authority (ACDA). ACDA is a self-funded public, corporate authority that does not use taxpayer dollars. ACDA's parking division, EasyPark, manages more than 6,000 parking spaces in downtown Anchorage.